> Hey Kaya,
> To upgrade you would use the pkg manager.
> -- 
> Cheers,
> Steven
> -----------------------
> Steven Acres
> Toronto OpenSolaris User Group <TOROSUG>
> Leader
> http://opensolaris.org/os/project/torosug
Hi Steven,

I mentioned everything I did in my first post/email.... but didn't have 
any luck :-(

Just to restate:

I managed to find the #pkg image-update command but unfortunately it 
comes up with this error:

s:~# pkg image-update
Creating Plan -pkg: image-update failed (inventory exception):
No matching package could be found for the following FMRIs in any of the 
catalogs for the current authorities:
pkg:/SUNWpython-mako at 0.2.2,5.11-0.99

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