partion wizard home edition 4.1 will make any windows based non-primary 
partitions as primary. 
1. i searched in for partition manager. I selected on based on user 
and edit rating. 
2. I installed it on my wintel. 
3. Right Click on any non -primary partition->modify->set/make as primary 
option. 4. Click Apply. Click Restart. 
System will get restarted. Your selected partition will  be made as primary. If 
you made this partition as empty already, you can go ahead with open solaris 
installation(open solaris will now detect the newly made primary partition). 
If you are coming from windows side and 
want to run opensolaris along side windows on non-primary partition, this app 
will help. As it already helped me. It all took less than an hour without any 
reading through any manual.  Hope you will find this as another user friendly 
unix flavor!!!
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