I was just wondering what typical numbers I should be expecting on a 4x2TB Sata 
disks in a RaidZ with 12GB Ram and a Core I7. My impression was each drive was 
capable of 50-100 MB/sec and I should be seeing writes in the range of 150-400 
MB/sec (not sure how the parity would factor in). The numbers I'm seeing are

               capacity     operations    bandwidth
pool        used  avail read write read  write
----------    -----    -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
tank        1.11T  6.14T  6    723   792K  87.8M
  raidz1   1.11T  6.14T  6    723   792K  87.8M
    c7t0d0      -      -      4    358   201K  29.3M
    c7t1d0      -      -      4    358   200K  29.3M
    c9t4d0      -      -      4    358   201K  29.3M
    c9t5d0      -      -      4    357   201K  29.3M
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