The Question:
What do I have to do to boot Opensolaris from a root pool attached to an add-in 
controller card, without interference from data disks attached to a native 
motherboard disk controller?

The hardware is on its way here, so I'd eventually find this out on my own, but 
I'd appreciate any pointers that would save me the usual two weeks of poring 
through books, network links and man pages. 8-) I didn't find it on a search, 
so if you can point me to the right place, please do. 

I'm setting up a new system primarily for NAS, and dedicating a complete system 
to it. The thing has six data SATA data disks and two root pool disks. The root 
pool disks are dedicated to the system, and the data disks are dedicated to the 

The motherboard I used has six SATA ports and one IDE port. I'd like to keep 
the six data disks on the motherboard controller, and attach the two root pool 
disks to an add-in two-port SATA controller. I've thrashed the net for 
references to what controllers work, etc and think I have that part down.

I'd prefer to attach the two system disks forming the mirrored root pool to the 
add in controller.  I've run into issues with add-in controllers not allowing 
boot before, but that was on other operating systems, and it ate up a lot of 
time trying to find the issue. No amount of dinking with BIOS/config, preboot, 
etc. ever solved this one at that time. I ... think... opensolaris lets me do 
this, but as I say, I'm a beginner.
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