Sure, that is my 'invention', with /root for root. And I don't see anything 
wrong at that.

Everything worked in nv70 and 78, as it is, (I only upgraded) and - yes - I 
have read passwd(4) and login(1) and now I hope for some way to go back to my 
desktop, because that's my desktop at work.

[i]So Im afraid that whatever the problem is you have caused it yourself by
changing the root account homedirectory or /etc/password or /etc/profile or 
similar [/i]
'caused yourself' is a bit harsh, it did work for 70 and 78, introducing /root 
is Unix practice and - following the man pages as cited - HOME should be 
defined as written down in /etc/passwd.
At least, it doesn't do the latter, when it defaults to /root for whichever 
user. Yes, /root is defined HOME for root in passwd. But that should - 
according to the man pages - not affect other users.
The only change I did was changing HOME for root in passwd, I haven't touched 
/etc/profile or similar.
Please, if any of what I write here is wrong, correct me.

Maybe you can help me at getting back my desktop, you know much more than me. I 
am still a newbie on Solaris, and the '/root' was done on suggestion from 
blastwave (for mplayer, pan). For the rest it is pretty much standard 


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