Check your MB website for any bios updates, even though it's not the same 
chipset as what I have, updates of bios just like on the old 3 to 5 year old 
sparcs OBP should be updated for use of the newer Solaris 10 or the snv_bxx 
builds, I was suprised that from a Gigabyte GA-M51GM-S2G has had several over 
the last year, I went from F10 version bios to F13, my sata could not be seen 
as a IDE coorectly, the old bios used a seperate boot loader serivce program to 
manage the sata as a JBOD or Raid and the new nv_sata bios driver is now all 
inclusive, so on the old bios when I tried add the device and card no, from the 
prtconf -pv or scanpci output into the /etc/driver_aliases file for the nv_sata 
entry, it dumped the snv_b81 kernel on c0d0s3 luupgrade (AF) kernel, so I went 
back to boot on the c0d0s0 disk, and luactivate 10u4 BE root disk on c0d0s0 and 
updated the bios to there latest version of F13 and I can now see both the sata 
DVD/RAM and the 500G WD disk under 10u4 patched wit
 h smpatch and or using the GUI update manager in the gnome task bar using my 
sunsolve account, this is really great, also the IDE, usb and data disks also 
show in the bios boot panel, and I can now see them under 10u4 (patched), I am 
so happy I can see the sata devices. I need to retest the snv_b81 and retest 
the nv_sata for the raid.
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