> Not sure if this is a issue to do with the randomness
> provider warning 

The warning is absolutely harmless, so you can safely ignore it.

> or if it is solaris starting up automatically in console mode, 

Xorg apparently fails to start up in your case

> im going to do some
> searches on how to start OpenSolaris up in Gui mode.
> Anyone got any suggestions?

All you have to do is create an xorg.conf in /etc/X11 and specify the "vesa" 
video driver, 

Use the vesa driver to install the OpenSolaris 2008.05 release onto your system.

Use the following procedure for the vesa driver:

>From the GRUB menu, select the Text Console option.

Login with user name, jack, and the password, jack.

Execute the following commands 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ pfexec 
Xorg -configure
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sed '/Driver.*"intel"/s/"intel"/"vesa"/' xorg.conf.new > 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ pfexec mv xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ svcadm enable gdm

Install the release, per instructions at Installing OpenSolaris 2008.05 .

After the system reboots, the desktop is displayed using the vesa driver."

From: http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/rn3/
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