Here I get (on UFS):

Page Summary                Pages                MB  %Tot
------------     ----------------  ----------------  ----
Kernel                      86839               339    9%
Anon                       162519               634   18%
Exec and libs               27726               108    3%
Page cache                  31144               121    3%
Free (cachelist)            48056               187    5%
Free (freelist)            559054              2183   61%

Total                      915338              3575
Physical                   915337              3575

Here I get 61% free, with the System Monitor it is 67. Nevermind. I wonder what 
kernel would need 350MB? 

And on quite another aspect: I run the system as multi-boot with ubuntu, and 
there the memory usage with the similar applications open, I get some 15% of 
RAM usage, some 20% of cache, and the rest remains free.

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