Hi, ALL,
Let me tell you about something good for a change... ;-)
I have a computer with 2 hard drives and I had a Gentoo Linux.

/dev/hda1 - /boot
/dev/hda2 -swap
/dev/hdd1 - /

When I decided to install Solaris, I downloaded GParted LiveCD, decreased 
/dev/hdd1 taking off 50GB from it without any problems.
Then I installed OpenSolaris on the newly created partition. The installation 
went pretty smoothly and it even didn't destroy anything from Gentoo.

I can successfully do a dual-boot.
Also, I believe that dual-boot installation does mention something about 

The only question remains: can /dev/hdd1 and /dev/hdd2 communicate (be mounted 
from another OS)?

Thank you.
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