To minikola:

>You could try to update from 2009.06/111b to OpenSolaris latest release
>(snv_134/134b) and then star update to OpenIndiana 148, latest dev
>release of OpenSolaris continuation project.

Thanks for that and all the other info. I've since went to the Oracle site 
(actually looking for something else) and stumbled upon different Solaris 11 
images to download, and I noticed a text install, which I can try. I was using 
the LiveCD which I downloaded last year, and don't remember from where. As far 
as upgrading. No, it won't upgrade because osol 11 doesn't even see the 
partition which boots and runs 2009.06! Anyway, I'll put the new text install 
image on a USB stick and give it a try when I get some time.

I doubt I'll have to worry about that zpool thing, because I usually have only 
one machine running Osol, but it's nice to know.

Thanks again.
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