On 03/17/11 03:58 PM, Terry Schima wrote:
> To minikola:
>> You could try to update from 2009.06/111b to OpenSolaris latest release
>> (snv_134/134b) and then star update to OpenIndiana 148, latest dev
>> release of OpenSolaris continuation project.
> Thanks for that and all the other info. I've since went to the Oracle site 
> (actually looking for something else) and stumbled upon different Solaris 11 
> images to download, and I noticed a text install, which I can try. I was 
> using the LiveCD which I downloaded last year, and don't remember from where. 
> As far as upgrading. No, it won't upgrade because osol 11 doesn't even see 
> the partition which boots and runs 2009.06! Anyway, I'll put the new text 
> install image on a USB stick and give it a try when I get some time.
> I doubt I'll have to worry about that zpool thing, because I usually have 
> only one machine running Osol, but it's nice to know.
> Thanks again.

This conversation was some time ago but, just I was thinking was not
understood completely or I might repeat things in a more clear way for
others sake.

Only in a way with upgrading from snv_134 CD/AI/Text install, you can
upgrade both to OpenIndiana/Illumos (148/b+..) and Solaris11 (Express).

Updating form OpenSolaris snv_134 means changing publisher address to
the distribution you want to update to. That way you can have Multiple
OS installations on the same zpool/zfs, not conflicting with each other
and that can use same user data. (It is called Boot Environments, BE)

If you install from Sol11Ex directly, you will loose posibility of ever
using something non-Oracle and since you will be stuck to it, you would
end up as paying 1000USD/per cpu core and/or percentage of hardware
costs to be able to use it. If that is all what you want, go for it.

For every other use of that ZFS pool and trying other systems in
parallel in another BE's, One must not use Oracle-provided version of
ZFS, nor upgrade to its Oracle version release, unitill it is publicly
available for changes and supported by other people/OS distributions and
that might take a while.

So it was my trying to warn people not to install from Solaris11 Express
disks directly on hardware because of zfs issues, But to use snv_134 CD
Image from www.genunix.org and then to upgrade over network. That way
you can migrate to OpenIndiana if you see later that you do not want
Oracle support and/or have usage case where OpenIndiana is better suited
for one's needs.
(no usage restrictions)

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