Hi at all. I'm new in this mailing list and I have a big problem.
I've configured an environement where there is Windows Server 2008
Enterprise Edition as Domain Controller and Sun Solaris 5.10 as client.
I've configured Solaris with winbind and it logs into Domain Controller
without any problem.
Now I would to restrict access at domain users so I've edited my
sshd_config file in this way:

AllowGroups CAROTA+test

obviously I've restarted ssh daemon. But nobody can log in with this
directive. In authlog:

lord sshd[3613]: [ID 517455 auth.notice] pam_winbind(sshd-kbdint): user
'CAROTA+ptarquilio' granted access

I don't know how to solve this big problem [image: :(]
Thank You so much
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