On Thursday 18 February 2010 17:57:52 Kent Quirk (Q Linden) wrote:
> This makes me sad.
> I've been trying to have an open discussion about some of the design issues
>  in my office hours, specifically to understand the constraints and
>  requirements of the community. But every office hour seems to be followed
>  up by flames on this list and in other forums interpreting what was said
>  in the worst possible way.
> I'm afraid the tone and direction of this discussion are making it
>  impossible for us to talk about this project productively.
>       Q

I think this is a good point in this budding flamewar to bring this up:
Josh Berkus' patented ten-step method on how to free a project of unwelcome 
community involvement.

(A little) more seriously, if the current trend towards secrecy at LL is a 
result of 3rd party viewers based on LL code "stealing" mindshare, it should 
be pointed that the developers of those viewers chose that route mainly as a 
result of LLs past lack of involvement with open source contributors, and 
(again, past) opaque and SLOW process of patch submission.

To move this to a more productive direction, can you give a summary of what 
Firefly is, for those of us who weren't at your office hour?

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