Your as funny as hax, kevin. Where do these delusional extremists come from?
The loud minority eh?

Great write-up Thomas! Those are well defined points, and it is really true,
stolen content doesn't really have any noticeable effect and if it's sold
can be quickly wiped away with a DMCA takedown notice

Each avatar is a human being behind it with real feelings and emotions, as
the old rule of thumb goes, "Treat your customer like a king", you should
really treat them as the human beings as they are, as you would want to be
treated in return.

It's a great article, do you keep an online copy somewhere up, like on a
blog? It would be neat for it to have a more permanent place for more eyes
to pry at. I don't think the intended target audience (content creators) has
much of a big base in this mailing list.

- Nexii
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