'> - only allow registered developers to upload content and cash out
> - require renting a shop to sell items
> - do not have user-to-user item transfer'
Am sure some business people at LL (without the experience of delivering
virtual goods for specific audiences) might find the above attractive, but
this will severely squash the diversity and increase the price of content on
the SL platform. Usually such a frameworks arise  not by choice but because
of the lack of advanced inworld building tools or other high barriers for
content creation. And for somebody who is involved in content creation
purely driven by clients who want to see every step of the creation process,
so that they can in the end get what they really want..the above will just
not allow such tightly coupled non-builder(user)/ builder design iteration
loops to happen.

On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Argent Stonecutter <secret.arg...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> On 2010-03-16, at 12:13, Daniel wrote:
> > - using encrypted 7zip archives to deliver content to end users
> This will end up having little effect, since the textures and geometry
> can be pulled from the graphics card.
> > - only allow registered developers to upload content and cash out
> > - require renting a shop to sell items
> > - do not have user-to-user item transfer
> This are more likely to be effective, but if SL had restrictions like
> this in place it would be a very different (and far less rich and
> vibrant and _profitable_) environment.
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