On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 18:19:57 +0100
Gareth Nelson <gar...@garethnelson.com> wrote:

> That's a serious bug in LL's business model - your account is safer as
> a basic, since a premium account that quits paying means the account
> is deleted (rather than merely downgraded).

nobody is deleted why skip a payment, happened to me some time ago,
account is just "suspended" and login inworld locked, as soon as you
fill the debt all is restored. I use a revolving credit card, this mean
i can use it after charged with money (ui use always this on all
internet shopping activities, so if somebody steal the number cannot
take my money, every time i charge only the cash needed). 

if somebody skip payments to LL, hold payments from customers and let
suspension expire losing account and sims owned isn't a victim, is
a thief... and i don't think is a fault of LL business model
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