On 6/09/2011 1:57 AM, Dave Booth wrote:
> On 9/5/2011 2:32 AM, Nicky D. wrote:
>> There is a memory pool that got enabled 4 days ago. Which could cause
>> this problem aswell.
>> The change is here:
>> https://bitbucket.org/lindenlab/viewer-development/changeset/298722ecdb2e
> oh yeah, that's an "aha!" moment for sure.. Thanks, Nicky.
> Checking the "changes since last good" on the download page there it is 
> on build 239990, the most recent, which correlates exactly with when I 
> started to see this failure mode. If switching it off means I dont crash 
> at all tonight then I'll leave a little gift on JIRA for the kindly 
> folks at the lab to discover after their long weekend :)
Indeedy. An excellent catch. If it _is_ the memory pool, though, it is
hard to figure out why unit-testing didn't catch the underlying fault.
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