Hi all ! I need help !

I'm working on adapting my RLV to version 3.2.0 of the viewer, and
hitting a wall here. Let me explain the problem :

In V1.x, script dialog boxes (the blue menus) were located on the
upper right corner of the screen, with a fixed size text area in which
the script could write what it wanted (up to 512 chars), with a
scrollbar when needed. Then there were the buttons below that area.
This had a nice side effect though, the buttons were always at the
same place on the screen, so for repetitive tasks with dialogs you
knew well, you didn't have to actually read before clicking.

The scrollbar wasn't very practical, so LL decided to move the dialogs
down to the lower right corner of the screen in v2.x, in exchange of
making the dialogs variable in size. Best of both worlds, the dialogs
were showing all the info at first glance without the need for a
scrollbar, and the buttons were always at the same spot (although the
sidebar was complicating things a little, but it was still workable).

Now in v3 the dialogs are back to the upper right corner of the screen
as part of EXT-1285 (coded and released by Seth Productengine). Ok,
but no scrollbar means the buttons are NOT always at the same place
anymore and that... is unacceptable to me. I absolutely need to change
this, this is not practicable as it is.

So I have two options. Either leave the dialogs where they are now and
move the buttons of the dialog window BEFORE the text, or move the
dialogs back to the lower right corner of the screen.

Option 1 is good for v1 users, but a little confusing since the
dialogs would not look like they always did. However I have spent some
time looking for a way to do this, and never found HOW to move these
buttons up before the text. I know the dialog is roughly defined in
notifications.xml under the name "ScriptDialog", but I don't see where
the list of buttons is constructed. The point of this email is partly
to ask how to do this.

Option 2 is good for v2 users, however it has a nasty side-effect :
notification boxes ("are you sure you want to quit" and such) are
linked to the tool bar or something. I haven't found where to change
that and this is also the point of this email.

I prefer option 1 personally, but I fear moving the buttons would look
like a lame hack. Can anybody give me pointers about how to implement
either option please ? Or better, both options !

Thank you in advance,
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