On Fri, 2012-04-13 at 16:23 -0700, Ziggy Puff wrote:
> On 4/13/2012 3:08 PM, glen wrote: 
> > My timer is ony 0.25, not 0.02. I get very, very little stutter and
> > then only on sims that are too loaded for me to be in anyway. 
> I think I set the timer to 0.2s or 0.25s for ZHAO-II. Been a while
> since I tested it, but AFAIK, my results matched yours - some stutter
> on sims that were heavily loaded, where it wasn't clear that a faster
> timer would help or would make things worse. No perceptible lag on
> unloaded sims.
> Kadah wrote:
>         I believe FS's was designed to mimic the ZHAO II hud, it even uses 
> its config notecards. "Franimation Overrider" is a new one to me.
> ZHAO-II was born from ZHAO-I, which was born from Franimation, which
> was created by Francis Chung. Franimation is a direct ancestor of
> ZHAO-II, and is much older. There would have been no ZHAO without
> Franimation.
The funny thing is that the only reason why I even bothered writing one
in the first place is because yours didn't have "sit now"!

See Oz? Features!

> I don't really have any insights into the client vs. server vs.
> scripted AO debate. I think adding asynchronous events would be a very
> good short-to-medium-term solution, and any scripted AO that used them
> would probably cause low enough sim load that the whole question could
> be punted for a long time. Assuming script load is the reason this is
> being considered.
I think we've all gone a bit OT to be honest. All he wanted in the first
place was a quick tut on how the existing in-client AOs worked. I'd
assume he's considering adding one to the LL client. I agree with Anne
that he should probably start with the inworld scripted AOs and then
work from there as there are a lot of possibilities.


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