On 2013-01-30 07:22 , Tillie Ariantho wrote:
> Hello,
> my feature request BUG-1497 (see below) got closed (not applicable). Why 
> that? Do we have so submit working patches for features requests?
> I think my request is pretty valid.
> *LSL commands for light projectors*
> Implementation of additional LSL command parameters:
> I would add parameters for llSetLinkPrimitiveParams and 
> llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast:
> Description: Let the prim with activated point light cast shadows.
> Usage: [ PRIM_CAST_LIGHT, key projection_texture, integer fov, integer focus, 
> integer ambiance ]
> Texture, FOV, Focus and Ambiance are already properties of a prim, only they 
> cannot get accessed via scripts yet.
> Why can't we set those parameters via scripts?

(caveat... I didn't even see that issue, or have anything to do with 
closing it, so this is personal speculation...)

Whether or not light sources cast shadows is an independent user choice 
in the viewer, and we already have an option that allows projectors to 
cast shadows.

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