Not sure if you can see the jira history for BUG-1497, but it's been
linked (correctly) as a duplicate of a very old request, SCR-163.

Perhaps the feature is in limbo until it's decided to "protect" the
fragile rendering pipeline by neutering scripts in yet another way.

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Tillie Ariantho <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2013 20:24:09 +0100
> Subject: Re: [opensource-dev] LSL commands/parameters for light projectors
> Am 01.02.2013 20:05, schrieb Darien Caldwell:
>> Sure but I don't think that's what the JIRA was about. It's not about 
>> forcing people to view shadows from light sources. It's about creators being 
>> able to programmically modify the newer light
>> parameters. (see attached picture).  Prim lights can be turned on and off, 
>> color changed, intensity changed, radius changed, falloff changed, all from 
>> a script. So why can't FOV, Focus, Ambiance, and
>> the projected texture be changed too? It really limits the usefulness for 
>> products.
> Yep, that was the idea. It's no new feature lightwise, it's just scriptifying 
> what's already there.
> Tillie
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