additionally i found this:
Can't create object because \nthe parcel is full.

This is the exact notification i get when i try to rez an object on a
parcel that is full, the other one being the one i posted previously. Not
sure about Viewer 1 but they seem to have different wording, you should
still check out notifications.xml and strings.xml tho, also check your log
file after it came up if the string for this notification is missing like
for holydoughnuts, then you'll need to add it.

Unable to create new object. The region is full.
Found in skins/xui/en/default/notifications.xml

Sorry me stupid i still havent figured out how this whole email opensource
dev thing works, these are the last mails i send which seems like were send
to the wrong people.

2014-08-06 17:49 GMT+02:00 Lance Corrimal <>:

> Am Dienstag, 5. August 2014, 16:11:11 schrieb Darien Caldwell:
> > I'd suspect that the viewer simply makes a rez request to the Server, and
> > the server makes the determination it can't be completed, and why. LIkely
> > the server just sends back the error message via some sort of generic
> > callback. In short the message wouldn't be in the viewer. I may be wrong
> > though.
> That's exactly my problem here, I see a "missing string" error in my
> logfiles,
> but I can't find the missing string in the original strings.xml or
> notifications.xml of the development viewer... And I can't find the
> creation
> of the message itself, either, but in the original viewer i do get a
> "parcel
> full" error at the appropriate moment.
> I frankly do not know where to look 0.o
> Help!
> Cheers
> LC
> >
> >          - Dari
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Lance Corrimal <
> >
> > wrote:
> > > Hi guys,
> > >
> > > i'm trying to find the spot in the source where the viewer creates a
> > > "can't
> > > rez object, parcel full" message, but for the life of me i cannot find
> it.
> > > Can
> > > someone point me at the right file?
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > > LC
> > >
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