Thanks, I'll return to poking at it.

I am unable to get a windows 64 bit build environment. A learning issue for
What commands do you use to switch to 64 bit?

On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 8:37 PM, Nat Goodspeed <> wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 11:37 PM, Nicky Perian <>
> wrote:
> Was able to complete a win32 build, but had to revert to openjpeg 1.4. P64
>> openjpeg needs work, The lib names in openjpeg.cmake don't match the new
>> lib names and there is an archive include file issue. Once the include
>> files are provided then that just opens the box for un-defines at link.
> Okay, I've rebuilt p64 openjpeg at 1.5.1. The current tip of
> lindenlab/viewer64 pulls in that package, and with those changes I get a
> clean local windows 32-bit build. (Other platforms still very much up in
> the air.)
>> cef flip issues have returned.
> My p64 llceflib wasn't actively tracking the production llceflib repo,
> sorry. Callum is currently working up a new package for viewer64.
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