On Wed, 21 Mar 2018 08:58:55 +1000, Alex wrote:

> On 2018-03-21 07:57, monty wrote:
> > 'nm' that thing and see what is definition and what is reference.
> I pasted the result here:
> https://pastebin.com/BZyKEJf2
> command used: nm --print-file-name -u libmedia_plugin_cef.so

With the -C option you would get more readable, demangled symbols...

> Lots of undefined symbols... So this means there is a reference but no 
> definition?

It lists:
U _ZN8dullahan26setOnStatusMessageCallbackESt8functionIFvSsEE

So it indeed shows that the libdullahan.a library did not get properly
linked to your plugin...

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