I'm looking a bit at building shared libraries on AIX, and would like
to know if there is a way at all to just tell ld to extract everything
from a static library (libcrypto.a), put it in a shared library
(libcrypto.a) and export all available global symbols?

I know it's possible to create an exported symbols file (libcrypto.exp?)
and use that, but I'd like to avoid that if possible, it feels like a
very unneeded step, and full of possibilities to make a fool out of
yourself (by forgetting).

On all other Unixen I've played with, there's the possibility to do
what I want to do (hence the diverse do_*-shared targets in
Makefile.org), and I just can't believe such a thing wouldn't be
possible on AIX...

Then perhaps, I'm just too optimistic...

Richard Levitte   \ Spannvägen 38, II \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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