On Thursday 11 October 2001 11:52, you wrote:
> From: "Dave Barter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> dave> I would like to modify the openssl genrsa program to "quietly"
> generate dave> keys, ie. Not print the '.' and '+' characters to STDOUT
> when generation dave> occurs. Basically I would like to add the flag -quiet
> to the genrsa dave> command line.
> A very quick solution is to redirect stdout to /dev/null or something
> corresponding.

Not very platform independent

> dave> I have had a brief glance at the code to try and ascertaint the best
> way dave> to do this, and notice that in genrsa.c for example all output to
> the dave> screen goes through a function called BIO_printf(). I was
> considering dave> modifying this function to suppress output if the -quiet
> flag was dave> present.
> Why on earth would you want to change BIO_printf(), and how would it
> know that the application parsed a -quiet?  A global variable?

I'm looking for some advice before delving deep into the code, this is a 
personal change I'm not looking for it to be incorporated into a full release.

> The right way would be to change genrsa to only print to stdout when
> -quiet hasn't been given.

Agree, but it only works with genrsa, I want to silence other modules as 
well. Is there some sort of faq covering the overall design and dependancies 
of openssl, it would stop me bothering you lot !

> dave> Could somebody on the list give me a brief summary of the BIO_printf
> dave> function and also advise whether there would be a better method to
> dave> achieve my aim.
> It's supposed to be a replacement of fprintf and friends, but takes a
> BIO* instead of a FILE*.

Thanks, this helps, could I add some value to the project by documenting at a 
high level the function of each C prog. or has this been done before ?
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