On November 27, 2002 03:24 pm, Kenneth R. Robinette wrote:
> Um, well that's one approach.  But its a little like saying "Lets let
> SSL/TLS take care of agreeing on a cipher type, and then leave it up to
> the user application to take care of the actual encryption/decrytion. 
> I would rather see the most commonly used methods inplemented within
> SSL/TLS itself.

If the SSL/TLS implementation is doing the (de)compression I don't see 
what your point is. Ie. with this compression method negotiated by the 
client and server, the SSL/TLS would still be responsible for handling 
compression - it would just handle it on the application data before 
applying the SSL/TLS framing rather than compressing data inside it. From 
the application point of view, there's no need to implement anything. Did 
you misunderstand me or vice versa?


Geoff Thorpe

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