On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 11:26:46 -0700, Verdon Walker wrote:

>I know from looking in the archives that this question has been
>before, but I am wondering if anything has been done in the 0.9.7
>to address it.

>We have an application that uses separate threads for its readers
>writers. Currently, the threads can stomp on each others state since
>they are using the same SSL structure. In particular, the "rwstate"
>can get trashed and confuse one thread or the other about what is
>happening. I know that OpenSSL does not support this in the 0.9.6
>branch, but was anything done to address it in 0.9.7 or is anything
>planned in 0.9.8?

        No. Most libraries are thread safe in the sense that they work fine
so long as two threads don't try to modify the same structure at the
same time. Trying to change this generally makes things worse.


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