On Fri, Jun 11, 2004 at 02:58:00PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] via RT wrote:
> On June 11, 2004 03:00 am, Jack Lloyd via RT wrote:
> > Summary: Threaded applications using the AEP engine break badly on
> > Linux.
> I see. The problem seems more about the model used by AEP though. Ie. we 
> could use CRYPTO_thread_id() instead of getpid() (because unless 
> CRYPTO_set_id_callback() is called, this devolves into getpid() anyway). 
> I'm looking at the head of CVS right now, so I don't know off the top of 
> my head about 0.9.7, but the connection-pooling in engines/e_aep.c 
> suggests that there is thread-safety between use of these pools, so 
> setting the id_callback() on NPTL to something that has a common return 
> value between threads but not between processes *should* solve the 
> problem. That's assuming that p_AEP_Finalize() closes the connection pool 
> too, otherwise things leak.

That seems reasonable.
> Are you able to move to CVS snapshots by any chance? It would make further 
> discussion of this (and potential changes to the code) easier to manage. 

No problem. This was just a benchmark/test tool so I could compare OpenSSL
against an AEP driver I was writing for another crypto library.

> I'd be curious how you get on if you use CRYPTO_set_id_callback() from 
> your app to detect real process distinctions (ie. returning the same 
> process id from sibling threads), and to replace the getpid() call in the 
> AEP engine with CRYPTO_thread_id(). (You're probably better in this case 
> to change the pid_t types to "unsigned long" too, matching the 
> CRYPTO_thread_id() prototype.)

Hmm... wouldn't this break other uses of CRYPTO_thread_id? Since they would
expect this function to return different values for different threads.

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