In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 08 Jun 2005 06:16:54 +0200 (CEST), 
Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

richard> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 08 Jun 2005 00:32:52 +0200, 
Andy Polyakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
richard> appro> > appro> 1. I'm reluctant to include bn.h to non-bn code, 
because it's
richard> appro> > appro>    nothing but counterintuitive [and is not good in 
long run].
richard> appro> > appro> 2. My standpoint is [still] that pqueue/dtls1 should 
not have
richard> appro> > appro>    dependancy on bh.h either.
richard> appro> > appro> 3. Using BIGNUM for DTLS purposes is *total* overkill. 
To back
richard> appro> > appro>    this up I'm going to suggest alternative, 64-bit 
neutral pq
richard> appro> > appro>    code shortly:-)
richard> appro> > 
richard> appro> > I agree.
richard> appro> 
richard> appro> Consider for 0.9.8.
richard> That was... unexpected :-).  I was expecting some better kind of
richard> 64-bit emulating type, but definitely not an array of unsigned char.

Don't take that as a complaint, BTW.  If it works, I see no problem
having that in 0.9.8, and maybe develop a better 64-bit type for


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Richard Levitte                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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