On June 29, 2005 08:44 pm, Banginwar, Rajesh wrote:
> So far from the preliminary analysis that we have done (by looking at
> some of the OSS applications) we see both libssl and libcrypto being
> used. E.g. from libcrypto I find functions in EVP, RSA, MD5 and DSA
> sets more commonly used than others. Unfortunately this is not an
> exhaustive study. Do you or anyone on this project have data suggesting
> which APIs are candidates for LSB inclusion both from demand and
> stability point of view?

I'm not sure how you would harvest this kind of information. From a build 
perspective, it may be quite difficult to disentangle one API from the 
next. I guess someone truly masoc^H^H^H^H^Hdedicated could create an 
alternative "openssl-lsb.h" header to build against - one that declared 
only the subset of functionality that mattered from an LSB perspective 
and then see how external apps fare building against that. However 
there's a lot of macro-abuse in some areas of the code, and if this 
"shimming" got tangled up in trying to reproduce ASN1 definitions then I 
don't even want to contemplate where it might lead...

Something to think about I guess. But it certainly seems hairy to attempt 
to standardise too much invariance across major releases that we expect 
will ... um ... vary.

> I just checked the release history for openssl and it is encouraging to
> see the major releases are years apart. I see that with some efforts it
> may be possible to hide some of the data structure dependencies (as
> Steve pointed out in other emails on this thread) and get some sets of
> APIs to a "stable" level and push for LSB inclusion. There was at least
> one comment from application developer encouraging this even though it
> will require major changes.

It sounds like a fairly labourious process though (ie. I doubt we'll be 
dispersing the volunteers with tear-gas or anything).


Geoff Thorpe

OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List                       openssl-dev@openssl.org
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