> David Schwartz wrote:
> > Umm, why?
> >
> > 1) This is an unusual use case.

> This is not an unusual case. I'm a developer and I valgrind my
> code all the time because fixing problems shown up by valgrind
> makes my code better.

I didn't say it was an unusual use case for you. It's an unusual use case
for OpenSSL.

> My code is targeting an embedded Linux box and I try to ensure
> that the system I develop and test on is as close as possible
> to the embedded target. Using a different version of openssl
> sort of defeats that aim.

Then you have to make a tradeoff. You can either debug in a release build
and suffer the added complexity or you can release a debug build and suffer
the performance loss. But others don't have to make that tradeoff, and
there's no reason your problem should force them to.

> > 2) Zeroing memory that doesn't need to be zeroed has a performance cost.

> Yep, I agree, for code that doesn't give valgrind warnings.
> A couple of years ago I attended a very interesting presentation
> by Andrew Tridgel of the Samba project. He explained that they
> avoided zeroing memory wherever possible. However, they used
> valgrind and had a rigorous policy of fixing all valgrind
> warnings. Tridge's claim was that doing this maximized performace
> and guarded against information leakage onto the wire.

He's absolutely right. Here, Tridge's argument works the other way. We
*want* as much information as possible to "leak" into the PRNG.

> > 3) It's very easy to recompile a debug build for debugging.

> But if I do that, my test system is no longer the same as my
> target.

Then you are welcome to ship a debug build with your target. That's your
tradeoff to make. The vast majority of people don't have such a tradeoff, so
it's kind of silly that they should suffer its costs just because you have

> > IMO, the default build should always be a release build with release
> > optimizations and tradeoffs. A debug build should be the exception.

> I'm not asking for all uses of malloc to be replaced with calloc,
> I'm asking for the very small number of areas that produce valgrind
> warnings to be fixed. Since they are small in number it is unlikely
> that any performance decrease can even be measureed.

Then you are welcome to compile with -DPURIFY even in your release build.
That does exactly what you ask for. I've already explained why that's not
the default -- your case is unusual and so it should *not* be the default. A
single extra flag is an extremely minimal cost.


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