Hi All, 

I am trying to test a web service client (using openSSL for crypto related 
stuff) with https/SSL. For this, I need to get the server cert. I was able to 
do this in a desktop machine using the following command:

    openssl s_client -connect <servername>:<port> 
and then copying the portion of the output bounded by and including:

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
However, when I try to do the same on another machine that is behind a proxy 
server, I noticed that this same command
does not work. I got an error message like this: 
           Loading 'screen' into ramdom state -done
           gethostbyname failure

I also noticed that in the macine NOT behind the proxy server my web service 
client was able to communicate with the
web server throught https/ssl using the server cert obtained through the 
openssl command, but in this machine that IS behind
the proxy server, the communication does not work. My client is getting a no 
response error.

Can anyone please advise me on this?

Thanks in advance.


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