Gordon Brown wrote:

> However, when I try to do the same on another machine
> that is behind a proxy server, I noticed that this same command
> does not work.

NAT? Socks proxy? Squid proxy? Transparent proxy? It's not clear what you're
talking about.

> I got an error message like this:
> Loading 'screen' into ramdom state -done
> gethostbyname failure

It looks like DNS doesn't work. Is it supposed to? What happens if you
connect by IP?

> connect:errno=11004

Since you don't say what platform you're using, there's no way to make sense
of this error code.

> I also noticed that in the macine NOT behind the proxy server
> my web service client was able to communicate with the
> web server throught https/ssl using the server cert obtained
> through the openssl command, but in this machine that IS behind
> the proxy server, the communication does not work. My
> client is getting a no response error.

The term "proxy server" can mean anything (NAT, Squid, Socks, ...). And a
"no response" error can also mean many different things. (No response at the
TCP level? No response from the application?)


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