From: "Jouk Jansen" <>

> When building OpenSSL on a OpenVMS machine, while "extended parse style is
> on (i.e set proc/parse=extend) some of the tests fail. The solution is
> simple : add a few double quotes in the command procedures.  [...]

   Because practically every OpenSSL release seems to fail pretty badly
on VMS, it might help a little if you identified the OpenSSL kit you're
using.  I normally have SET PROCESS /PARSE_STYLE = EXTENDED when I build
the stuff, so I suspect that fixes are already on the way (or currently
being ignored -- it's often hard to tell which).

> [...]  I put the
> "corrected" files on my web-page:

   "0.9.8l" and "1.0.0-beta2" are hardly current.  But don't worry. 
There are still plenty of problems with the current 0.9.8n and the
1.0.0 (official) kits.  Newer kits including some of my sugested changes
are available at:


   Steven M. Schweda               s...@antinode-info
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