> [...] (One might question the cleverness of that stuff
> being case-sensitive, of course.)

   I believe that I shall.  Realizing that leaving "VMS" in the subject
line will probably cause this inquiry to sink without trace, I continue,
oblivious ...



              cms - CMS utility 


openssl cms [-encrypt] [-decrypt] [-sign] [-verify] [-cmsout] [-resign] 
[-data_create] [-data_out]
[-digest_create] [-digest_verify] [-compress] [-uncompress] 
[-EncryptedData_encrypt] [-sign_receipt]
[-verify_receipt receipt] [-in filename] [-inform SMIME|PEM|DER] [-rctform 
filename] [-outform SMIME|PEM|DER] [-stream -indef -noindef] [-noindef] 
[-content filename]
[-text] [-noout] [-print] [-CAfile file] [-CApath dir] [-md digest] [-[cipher]] 
[-no_signer_cert_verify] [-nocerts] [-noattr] [-nosmimecap] [-binary] 
[-nodetach] [-certfile file]
[-certsout file] [-signer file] [-recip file] [-keyid] [-receipt_request_all 
[-receipt_request_from emailaddress] [-receipt_request_to emailaddress] 
[-secretkey key] [-secretkeyid id] [-econtent_type type] [-inkey file] [-passin 
arg] [-rand file(s)]
[cert.pem...] [-to addr] [-from addr] [-subject subj] [cert.pem]... 


   What is the justification for having mixed-/upper-case options/values
like, say:


   Was there some expectation of having a "-cafile" which would differ
semantically from "-CAfile", or a "pem" which would differ semantically
from "PEM"?  I realize that the interest in having this stuff work
easily on VMS VAX (or older non-VAX) systems is minimal (more so even
than with VMS systems in general), but, really, what's the point in the
goofy-case decoration on these things?

   Other than the extra bother, is there any good reason not to offer
corresponding all-lower-case keywords which would be equivalent to the
goofy-case versions?

   "-EncryptedData_encrypt"???  Seriously?  Why not
"-EncryptedDataEncrypt" or "-Encrypted_Data_Encrypt" or
"-encrypted_data_encrypt"?  Is there some secret code here, of which I'm
unaware?  Who can remember this stuff?  Who designs ("designs") this
stuff?  Ok, I see "[...] using a CMS Encry[p?]tedData type [...]", but
then why "-compress" instead of, say, "-CompressedData_create" ("Create
a CMS CompressedData type")?  Or "-digest_verify" instead of, say,
"-DigestedData_verify" ("Verify a CMS DigestedData type [...]")?  Is
there any actual scheme here?  I claim no special user-interface
expertise, but, to a casual observer, this stuff looks plain crazy. 
(And then, as a bonus, it makes life difficult on VMS.)

   Call me old and grumpy (but truly curious).


   Steven M. Schweda               s...@antinode-info
   382 South Warwick Street        (+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List                       openssl-dev@openssl.org
Automated List Manager                           majord...@openssl.org

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