From: "Dr. Stephen Henson" <>

> > >
> > 
> >    Now contains some new and updated files to add a helper program for
> > the perl system() function on VMS systems.
> Is there any way to redirect standard output and error to different files
> under VMS+perl without an additional helper? The redirection isn't essential
> to the utility, it's there just to keep the utility quiet and to
> keep any potentially useful output if the tests fail.

   It's hardly an impossibility proof, but I didn't see one.  My perl
expertise is negligible, but I found nothing useful in a brief Web
search.  As I said, the problem srises from using UNIX-shell-like output
redirection in a system() function's command, which depends on the
ability of the underlying OS to cope with that, and DCL can't do it. 
(On VAX or older non-VAX systems, it can't even preserve the case of a
command in there.  DCL has many shortcomings, some of which are likely
to remain until its death, especially on VAX, where VMS is essentially
frozen.  Of course, case-sensitive command options is not one of them,
but there are plenty of others.)

> A possible alternative would be to include some command line options to the
> cms utility (or the OpenSSL utility in general) for redirection.

   Ok with me.  In the mean time, at least on recent non-VAX systems,
that helper program does seem to do the job with the existing system()
usage in "".  (When someone sticks a pipeline or something in
there, all bets will be off again.)  I'm wide open to a good solution,
if anyone can supply one.  (If I have a blinding flash of insight, I'll
be sure to post it, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that.)


   Steven M. Schweda               s...@antinode-info
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