> i'm not
> sure how people are still able to use it from Cygwin; all i get if i do
> a simple "./Configure mingw" then "make" is:
> "gcc: The -mno-cygwin flag has been removed; use a mingw-targeted
> cross-compiler."
> then it errors out before even compiling the first object.

Not all people unconditionally install the latest. Sticking with old
environment is educational, it makes you better programmer, because
observation of evolution allows you to improve own future choices.

> the warning makes perfect sense; compiling from Cygwin using Cygwin's
> compiler is only supposed to build openssl versions linked to Cygwin's
> DLLs.

Why? Binary objects generated by cygwin compiler are plain PE-COFF and
perfectly suitable for linking with *any* other PE-COFF object. In other
words there is nothing cygwin-specific about object modules generated by
cygwin compiler. It's all about which headers were used and which
libraries it will be linked with. Essentially it's perfectly possible to
feed cygwin compiler with mingw headers and vendor supplied libraries
and generate "non-cygwin" executable. And that's how it worked for *many
many* years so far, and for those who used it for these many years
warning doesn't make perfect sense. Mingw cross-compilers for cygwin (at
least x86) is result of communication failure: people find it easier to
put together whole compiler environment instead of make it work the way
it used to. Note that I'm not blaming anybody for the choice, on the
contrary I have understanding, I just spelling the way things are.

As for Doug's suggestion for separate targets. I'd argue against. It's
probably more appropriate to fix it up in ./Configure, e.g. by looking
at 'gcc --target-help' and removing [or adding] -mno-cygwin. A.

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