> Another option (but shoot it down if its bogus :-): I noticed that if I 
> compile
> fipscanister.o without "-fPIC", then the const variables do get placed in
> the (really readonly) .rodata section as desired. I thought maybe if I did
> that and went the static route - build libcrypto with no-shared and link
> libcrypto.a statically into my app - then maybe I would have a validate-able
> solution.

The prime reason for why FIPS 2.0 module is compiled with -fPIC is to
make it versatile. Idea is to validate *single* fipscanister.o usable in
either context, statically-linked application or dynamic library.
Reasoning is that while it's plain inappropriate to use non-PIC code in
dynamic library, linking PIC statically was proven to work on all tested
platforms, therefore -fPIC.

This naturally means that if you are positively not interested in
unified/versatile fipscanister.o nothing prevents you from giving up on
-fPIC and targeting statically-linked application only. I.e. introducing
config-line without -fPIC through change letter is as validate-able as
anything else.

> Per your comment below, FIPS_text_start (and end) also looks
> correct in the disassembled code:
> 0181ae34 <FIPS_text_start>:
> ...

Yes, it looks proper.
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