Some interesting observations:

1) Changed the cipher lists to much simpler values:
ciphers = "AES256-SHA256"   => works
ciphers = "AES256-SHA"   => fails

2) On a hunch, I tried adding "no-asm" to the config line:  2.1) TLS test now 
works and yields a perfect match with the 32 bit test
  2.2) DTLS test "works", but there is an interesting side-effect...

... the "random bytes" field differs in the server hello. There should be
no difference because the test harness is supplying a non-random PRG,
(and time-of-day is also strictly controlled).

I'm guessing that OpenSSL uses a SHA-based PRF on random bytes?

If so, then it looks like something might be up with 64-bit SHA, (or PRF??) in 

I've attached the "no-asm-64bit" pkt cap and the reference 32 bit equivalent.

Attachment: dtls-no-asm-x86_64.pcap
Description: Binary data

Attachment: dtls-i686.pcap
Description: Binary data

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