> DTLS test "works", but the "random bytes" field differs in the server hello. 
> There should be
> no difference because the test harness is supplying a non-random PRNG.

This is happening because of the following, (which looks like a bug), in 
ssl/d1_srvr.c, line 923:

                Time=(unsigned long)time(NULL);                 /* Time */

sizeof(Time) is 8 bytes in x86_84, but l2n() has only advanced the pointer 4 

This leaves 4 bytes of uninitialized data exposed in the random bytes field for 

Unless l2n() can do something different on other platforms, line 923 should be 
more explicit:


With this fix, my "no-asm" 64bit DTLS test yields a pcap that matches the 32 
bit build.

... that isolates the problem to the 64 bit assember changes between 1.0.0 and 
specifically, (it would seem), for SHA-1.
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