A serious regression was introduced in 1.0.1d that corrupts the data 
stream under certain circumstances.

Firefox requests to an Apache server running on Linux/X86_64 with 
OpenSSL-1.0.1d result in "501 Server Error" responses.  OpenSSL versions 
1.0.1c and earlier are not affected.  i686 (32 bit) versions are also 
not affected.

An excerpt from the Apache log with 1.0.1c, showing correct behavior: - - [05/Feb/2013:23:06:59 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 203 "-" 
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0" - - [05/Feb/2013:23:30:39 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 304 - "-" 
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0"

An excerpt from the Apache log with 1.0.1d, clearly showing the invalid 
request: - - [05/Feb/2013:22:47:02 -0500] "G\xedET / HTTP/1.1" 501 932 
"-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0" - - [05/Feb/2013:23:04:03 -0500] "G<ET / HTTP/1.1" 501 932 "-" 
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0"

A look at the ssl-request log from Apache is also interesting, as 
Firefox sees corruption (first log line) but Links (text-based web 
browser, second log line) does not.  This hints at it being cipher-specific: TLSv1 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA "G\xedET / HTTP/1.1" 932 TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 "GET / HTTP/1.1" 203

I haven't had a chance (yet?) to bisect the code to find the culprit, 
but I can take a stab at it if a developer doesn't know off the top of 
their head just where it might be.

The OS here is Slackware-64.  Compiler is gcc-4.7.2, binutils, glibc 2.15.
A portion of the output of configure is:

        Configuring for linux-x86_64
            no-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 [default]  OPENSSL_NO_EC_NISTP_64_GCC_128 
(skip dir)
            no-jpake        [experimental] OPENSSL_NO_JPAKE (skip dir)
            no-krb5         [krb5-flavor not specified] OPENSSL_NO_KRB5
            no-md2          [default]  OPENSSL_NO_MD2 (skip dir)
            no-sctp         [default]  OPENSSL_NO_SCTP (skip dir)
            no-store        [experimental] OPENSSL_NO_STORE (skip dir)
        CC            =gcc
        EX_LIBS       =-ldl
        CPUID_OBJ     =x86_64cpuid.o
        BN_ASM        =x86_64-gcc.o x86_64-mont.o x86_64-mont5.o x86_64-gf2m.o 
        DES_ENC       =des_enc.o fcrypt_b.o
        AES_ENC       =aes-x86_64.o vpaes-x86_64.o bsaes-x86_64.o 
aesni-x86_64.o aesni-sha1-x86_64.o
        BF_ENC        =bf_enc.o
        CAST_ENC      =c_enc.o
        RC4_ENC       =rc4-x86_64.o rc4-md5-x86_64.o
        RC5_ENC       =rc5_enc.o
        MD5_OBJ_ASM   =md5-x86_64.o
        SHA1_OBJ_ASM  =sha1-x86_64.o sha256-x86_64.o sha512-x86_64.o
        CMLL_ENC      =cmll-x86_64.o cmll_misc.o
        MODES_OBJ     =ghash-x86_64.o
        ENGINES_OBJ   =
        PROCESSOR     =
        RANLIB        =/usr/bin/ranlib
        ARFLAGS       =
        PERL          =/usr/bin/perl
        SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG mode
        DES_UNROLL used
        DES_INT used
        RC4_CHUNK is unsigned long

Best regards,
Kris Karas

OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List                       openssl-dev@openssl.org
Automated List Manager                           majord...@openssl.org

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