OpenSSL Users:
>Hello Sergio,
>> From: Sergio Rabellino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> ...
>> Anyone knows how to import a 1024 bit cert into IIS ?(I prefer
>> Apache/Unix, but my principal want IIS/NT support also... :-(( )
>I don't know how to import 1024 bit certs into IIS, but you can
>generate a CSR (1024 bit RSA) using NON domestic IIS4.
>If you are using SP3 you need a special schannel.dll,
>Do you need it?  I can send it to you.
>If you are using SP4 you don't need any special stuff.
>The basic steps are:
>Run RegEdit.exe
>Open (click on the + next to) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, the go to the
>following subkey:
>   System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders
>On the Edit menu, select New, then choose DWord Value. A new value appears
>in the right-hand pane.
>If necessary, right click on the new item and choose Rename from the >context
>Type EnableSGC and press ENTER.
>Right click on EnableSGC and choose Modify. The Edit DWord Value dialog
>Type 1 (one) and click OK.
>Click Registry, then Exit to end the Registry Editor.
>This change will take effect when you next start Windows NT.
>Now you can generate CSRs of 512, 768, 1024 bits len,
>a 1024 bits key doesn't mean domestic encryption (you know it).
>> Ps. Where you found this trick about the usage of the physical stores ?
>It was found at but I don't remember
>the exactly URL, sorry...

The URL where you can found this information is:

bye. Rafa
FN:Rafael Calzada Pradas
N:Calzada Pradas;Rafael;;;Rafael

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