> Hi, I'm trying to install a GlobalID into the c2 Stronghold server,
> which uses ssleay (forerunner of openssl).
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I'm perfectly aware of that and am in contact with c2. I'm asking if
anyone on this list has experience with GSID's. It's a pretty new
thing for Apache servers and c2 and I are both scratching our heads.
I tried writing here (and to the modssl list) because there's been
some mention of GSID's in the list archives. But I haven't seen any
confirmation that anyone, anywhere, has gotten a GSID completely
working with any of openssl, modssl, or Stronghold. (I've seen reports
that self-signed GSID's have been made to work by patching the Netscape
cert7.db file, but I'm talking about using a real GSID).
Any advice, experiences, encouragement etc. would be much appreciated.
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