> Scott Krueger wrote:
> 0.9.4; Win98 or NT4; MSVC++6.0. built the files using instructions in
> install.w32 (including configure). The ms test files run fine.
> Working with Libeay32 to do DH generation, I ended up with occasional
> system lock ups while generating parameters.  No debugger indications
> of the problem, can't seem to find it.  The lock ups are very hard --
> no mouse movement, no 3 finger salute, have to power off.

What do you mean "hang"? Does it still produce the dots and pluses on
the output?

How long does it take to hang?

Is there any indication that it is (for example) eating up all the

Are you using the assembly language routines and if so which version, ml
or nasm?

I haven't noticed any specific problems with gendh 1024 but I'm using
VC++ 5.0 under Win98 though because of the random nature of the process
the run time varies considerably.

I'll see if VC++ 6.0 has any problems.

Dr Stephen N. Henson.   http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk/
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