Well, on the UNIX system I use, I can open 2 xterms. In one of them I run
the serv program. This makes the shell prompt go away as serv waits for a
client connection. In the other xterm I run the cli program. It connects to
the server and both sides print out some messages. On my system the result
looks like this:
In the "server" window:

$ ./serv
Connection from 100007f, port fd04
SSL connection using DES-CBC3-MD5
Client does not have certificate.
Got 12 chars:'Hello World!'

In the "client" window:

$ ./cli
SSL connection using DES-CBC3-MD5
Server certificate:
         subject: /C=AU/ST=Queensland/O=CryptSoft Pty Ltd/CN=Server test
cert (5
12 bit)
         issuer: /C=AU/ST=Queensland/O=CryptSoft Pty Ltd/CN=Test CA (1024
Got 11 chars:'I hear you.'

That's really all there is to it. The server does minimal server-side SSL
and the client does minimal client-side SSL, and each side sends one line of
text to the other.

-----Original Message-----
From: Albert Serra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 12:44 PM
Subject: (no subject)

Sorry but I had already read you mail, and I had tried to  change the files
.c. It worked and I  compiled cli.c and serv.c, thank you. But now I need 
some more help as I am very lost at moment concerning to program a client
and a server with SSL. I ask only for a little help to start with. 

Thank you 

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