Hello Everyone,

I have a chain of version 1 certificates.  "Root CA" signs "Intermediate
CA", which signs "client1" and "server1" certificates.  

I also have two example client/server pairs.  The first example only does
server authentication.  The other example does both client and server

The server authentication example works just fine, but the client/server
authentication fails when trying to verify the server1 certificate chain.
Here's the actual example (this is the client with the info callback
tracking the progress)

before/connect initialization
before/connect initialization
SSLv2/v3 write client hello A
SSLv3 read server hello A
SSLv3 read server certificate B
SSLv3 read server certificate B
SSLv3 read server certificate B

Here is the error stack.
1068:error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate
verify failed:.\ssl\s3_clnt.c:764:

As stated before, this same certificate chain gets verified just fine when
doing server authentication only.  

I have debugged into the library and know the following additional
- In x509_vrfy.c:check_chain_purpose(), in the server auth. only example,
ctx->last_trusted is set to 1, while for my client and server authentication
example, it is set to 2.  The function is dying on my intermediate
certificate.  if last_trusted == 1. it just checks the validity of the
server certificate, but when last_trusted==2, it assumes that my
intermediate certificate is also untrusted, this causes X509_check_purpose()
to return 1 which then sets ctx->error to X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CA.

Also, I do use load_verify_locations to load a trusted certificates file
which contains both the root and intermediate CA certificates.

Any help would greatly appreciated.

Mike Zeoli

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