
I got a problem related to EVP primitives, and i can't find where the
problem is.

in the docs, it says :
"..EVP_DecryptInit(), EVP_DecryptUpdate() and EVP_DecryptFinal() are the
corresponding decryption operations. EVP_DecryptFinal() will return an
error code if padding is enabled and the final block is not correctly
formatted. ..."

I don't understand "the final block is not correctly formatted", what is
the format ?! or what are the wrong format which make this function to fail ?.
(excepted null)

I've just coded 2 functions,

char *crypt(char *str, char *key) (which works fine)
int decrypt(char *dest, char *str, char *key)

using EVP primitives, i've done the test by using EVP_enc_null()
as encryption/decryption algorithm, which mean that my text was only
base128 armored, and it was working fine, but as long as i put a real
algorithm like EVP_bf_cbc or EVP_bf_cfb (blowfish is the one i want)
it just fails, the length returned by both EVP_DecryptUpdate and Final
is 0, but the input is non null.

any ideas ?!



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