On Wed, 26 Sep 2001 09:43:02 -0700, Michael Sierchio wrote:
>Don Zick wrote:

>> I have recently started using OpenSSL.  (I have found the "SSL and TLS"
>>book by Eric Rescorla to be invaluable.)  I am having a problem with
>>client authentication.  After a successful SSL_accept() I have some  logic
>>that verifies that the Common Name in the client certificate  matches the
>>client's DNS name.  This works just fine.  However, if the  Common Name
>>does not contain the client's DNS name, I would like to  check for the
>>client's DNS name in the subjectAltName extension.  This  is where I'm
>>having a problem.  I attempt to check the subjectAltName  extension as

>Why bother binding client certs to a DNS name?  In a mutually authenticated
>SSL connection, IP addresses may not be important.   That each party is in
>possession of the private key and the certs are not revoked should be

        Sufficient for what? I may not want to send my credit card information to 
anyone who has a Verisign certificate, but I might be willing to send it to 
someone who has a Verisign certificate for 'www.amazon.com' or has that 
listed as one of the alternate names.

        Comparing the name to name you get when you resolve the IP you connected to 
doesn't seem useful to me. But comparing the name (or alternate name) to the 
name you expected to connect to makes very good sense.


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