1. There is a specific reason that I am using rev a instead of rev b, and I
didn't think it relevant to the problem. For the heck of it, I d/l and
compiled rev b, with the exact same result.
2. I always do. That way I can archive it with the tarball for later
inspection in case I need information on configuration and installation. For
your information, the line is thus:
    ./Configure shared linux-ppc
3. You are not addressing my question. I have good reason to believe that
openssl *won't* create shared objects on my system, for whatever reason.
There is no indication in the configure or make output that indicates that
it tries and fails, or addresses it at all, so I am relying on the Configure
code itself. This is my assumption, rather erroneous or not, and hence my
question is not "why is make failing" but "how can I get openssl to create
shared objects even though it won't according to its configure script". I
was hoping someone out there with superior programming experience could tell
me how to hack the makefile to get shared objects created.

I imagine it takes a bit more than just specifying -ldl and -fPIC to gcc, so
I hoped someone could shed light on this.

There doesn't appear to be anything untoward happening, it is simply openssl
does not even attempt to create a shared object. I would expect that if it
tried to make an .so and failed, the make would fail, but the make always
succeed except that I only get static (.a) objects.

Relevant lines from Configure output:

Configuring for linux-ppc
CC            =gcc
-fomit-frame-pointer -Wall
EX_LIBS       =
BN_ASM        =bn_asm.o
DES_ENC       =des_enc.o fcrypt_b.o
BF_ENC        =bf_enc.o
CAST_ENC      =c_enc.o
RC4_ENC       =rc4_enc.o
RC5_ENC       =rc5_enc.o
RANLIB        =/usr/bin/ranlib
PERL          =/usr/local/bin/perl
RC4_CHUNK is undefined

As you can see, the required parameters -ldl and -fPIC for gcc to create .so
are missing. They are also not present in the make output. And since these
options above are exactly what the Configure script appears to set for my
system in its code, I concluded that openssl won't create .so for my system.

If you would like to look at my config ands make output in detail, I will
gladly send it, though I don't think you will find anything untoward in it
either. I may not be an expert *nix programmer, but I am no dummy, and I
have been doing this for a while.

Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
"Leveraging Open Source for a better Internet"

> From: "J. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 22:57:23 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: Re: openssl compile won't make .so
> On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Keary Suska wrote:
>> I need to have openssl 0.9.6a create dynamically shared libcrypto & libssl,
>> but it won't for my system (linux-ppc). Just about every other software I
>> have compiled can create .so on my system without complaining, but why can't
>> openssl? I tried to modify the Configure script, which hasn't worked, but
>> I'm shooting in the dark since I don't know how the pieces are finally put
>> together in the makefile.
>> There have been RPMs for my system which install .so, so it has to be
>> possible. Does anyone know how to force openssl to build shared objects (gcc
>> 2.9.5, elf support available)?
>> Keary Suska
>> Esoteritech, Inc.
>> "Leveraging Open Source for a better Internet"
> 1- Start over again with a clean install, this time of openssl-0.9.6b.
> 2- Put your configure command in a file, so that it's documented (and
> thoroughly examined before running).
> 3- Capture all of your output to a file, so you can you meticuously
> examine it for errors and oddities afterwards, and so you'll have
> something to show us, so that _we_ don't have to shoot in the dark.
> === JJ =============================================================
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